Hello, again.
Friday morning finds us being a bit lazy. Have you ever tried to anticipate all your needs for the next 6 months!? We are still trying to figure out how to do Christmas and birthdays from China. Maybe we'll just celebrate everything in February!:) A person can't find Christmas cards in July!!!
Andy has spent the morning reading (napping?) on Berkeley's front porch. Oops, just woke himself snoring!! Will try to post pictures this weekend so we have BC (before China) pictures for comparison!
Betsy got the puppy, Trey and Nicci got the cat, Berkeley gets . . . us for a week before our departure so we can drive her nuts! I think we are succeeding. Our goal was to make her sick enough of us that she was ready for us to leave--may have reached that yesterday but will rub in it for a few more days to be sure!!!
Monday is D-day--we can't wait!
More later.